"RL2X"-- April 30, 2007

Miss Acacia just told me that it's high time she get a chance to brag!
This past Sunday, she and I, and Bing and Pete, all went to the OTCH (Obedience Training Club of Harrisburg) for a rally trial.
It was forcast to be a lovely day, but a bit breezy. It turned out to be a lovely, but extremely windy and therefore very difficult day. Not just for us, but for every dog in the rally rings. The wind swirled, so the smells from the RVs, the other rings, and other areas of the park must have been chaos inside any dog's nose.
The temperatures also rose throughout the day, perhaps not registering as 'hot' for a human, but certainly so for a canine in a thick black fur coat.
Despite these challenges, Acacia managed to score a 195 and a 200 in the morning in Levels 1 and 2. This earned her our hoped-for RL2X (Rally Level 2 Excellent title...10 qualifying scores in Level 2 after obtaining her Level 2 title) and a QQ (double Q) toward her ARCHX (Advanced Rally Champion Excellent)!
In the afternoon, she again (although these runs were not particularly pretty, and they felt like I was pulling teeth) managed to eek out a 195 and a 205 in Levels 1 and 2 (and a 4th place in Level 1), getting her 3rd QQ toward her ARCHX.
The ARCHX requires the team to obtain the ARCH title (Level 1 and Level 2 titles, plus 100 championship points, plus 5 QQ with scores of 190 or higher...the Level 1 and Level 2 must occur within the same trial). Once the ARCH is earned, the team can work for another 5 QQs, but these must be with scores of 195 or higher. This is quite a feat!
There were plenty of times when Acacia looked at me and told me she really didn't want to do it. I'm not sure why, other than that she may have been warm. But she knew I wanted her to do it, and she obliged. She even ignored the 3 St. Bernards barking in her face as we approached a corner of the ring in Level 2 (a few years ago this might have been a disaster). We are very proud of Acacia, and she got her Dairy Queen and a long walk along the river afterward. She only needs two more QQs, but we are not in a hurry. Anything Acacia gives me is wonderful!
Acacia told the communicator the other day that she thinks Bing should watch her more. I tend to agree with her!
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