Bing Bunny -- October 28, 2010
When my daughter, Cyan, was only 10 months old, my sister gave her a tiny story book. It was a hard cover, and about 20 pages. It was an odd-looking book, and she bought it because it was entitled, “Bing Swing”. As you know, the attraction was that one of my dogs’ name is bing but this was Bing Bunny, not Bing Dog. However, similarities abound…both are black, both have sticky-uppy ears, and both are a bit…nutty!
I put the book aside at first. When I eventually dug it out and read it a few times, Cyan took a liking to it. Over time, she took a real shining to it, as did Pete and I. Cyan had begun to make the association between the book’s character and the dog.
Late one evening, I searched online for more Bing books. I found that there were several others! Amazon carried them, but they were hard to find. I eventually ordered two out of the states and two from the UK, where the books originated. It was so hard to find them, in fact, that two were retired library books. No matter, we love them just the same! Cyan began to really identify with the character; I believe that she thinks the book is about our Bing!
A few months back, I offered a free dog training class to a friend who has always been kind to me. In return, she made Cyan a teepee; she loves to sew. I said to her that if she REALLY wanted a challenge, I’d send her a picture of a doll to make.
Four incarnations later, Pam showed up early one Friday morning with a Bing Bunny doll. The expression on Cyan’s face was priceless. Pete was so excited about it (Bing Bunny really has become a part of our family!) that he contacted the books’ author, Ted Dewan, to share. Bing Belgian and Bing Bunny are now on his website. Click here to see them.
Bing Bunny is hysterical, and deserves a space in every child’s bookcase!
Maybe we can meet up with Mr. Dewan on our spring trip to the UK….
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