Adoration -- December 2, 2012

On trails, they look to each other for cues. It's not just
Tango shadowing Bing. Often Tango runs ahead leaving
Bing to catch up to see what Tango's investigating.
First, please read the last paragraph of
Bing Blog 60.
Ok. It's happened! They adore
each other!
Bing, the puppy who would get ALL dogs to play, even the ones who didn’t know how to play, became Bing the Humper, to Bing the Attacker, to Bing, the Incessant Player with Tango!
It took about 4 months for them to really start playing. Now, they play all over the house, all over the yard, all over the training room, all over the pole barn. Tango’s tenacious refusal to leave Bing alone, his relentless charming attitude, finally did Bing in.
I am sure that there will be scuffles here and there, but they have been seen sharing a tug toy, deferring to each other to food, laying near each other, and walking together.

Although not laying with their heads touching, it's quite typical
to find these two hanging out together.
This morning, both dogs were on the bed. Pete saw it first: Tango was laying his head on Bing’s head! And Bing wasn’t minding it! OMG! Now, some of you will say, ‘oh, my dogs do that all the time’….well, I can assure you that NO dog in this house has ever done that!!!!
Tango has conquered Bing! I like to say that Bing got Tango as his pet LOL.
I still don’t trust Bing with other dogs, aside from his agility buddy Rio (Sheltie) and class buddy Myles (Corgi), but that’s fine. He’s been acting more like he wants to meet certain dogs (all small) but it’s not worth the risk of traumatizing other dogs. He has his pet Tango, and all’s right with the world.
Maybe Tango’s not done teaching him.