Cyan is nine weeks old here, and starting to

display actual human traits, like laughing and
making noises other than crying. On the right
is one of her happier moments. Below, she's
just consumed a full meal. There are links
to more pictures at the bottom of this

Finding her thumb ends play time.
Dad and Cyan after she visits the ocean.
Enjoying Pooh and his buddies.

Above left--Cyan is mesmerized by her new Pooh mobile. Above right--she finds her thumb during play time, which promptly ends our session. Below--watching from her three-wheel stroller as the dogs swim for treats in the Lehigh River near Walnutport PA. Bottom--Cyan visits Ali's Reactive Dog Class in good voice. Ali's student Sherry shares her experience calming a small child by demonstrating the flying baby technique.

Bing and Acacia swim for treats in Lehigh River
Mom and Cyan put on their happy faces.
She actually enjoys a bath.
Wrapped in a towel made for a baby.

Above and right--we went to Point Pleasant, NJ for a day at the shore. Cyan didn't really enjoy the feeling of the salt water lapping at her feet, but she did like lounging on the beach. Below--bath time.

Sherry demonstrates the Airplane technique for quieting a baby.
After a full meal.
Cyan watches Bing and Acacia swim for treats
Making faces while lying on a blanket.
Cyan big toothless smile, close up.
Great Companions LLC, Learn To Be Your Dog's Reward ™

Cyan's Start of Month Three

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